Statement of Purpose: The purpose of North Hi Mount Elementary School’s parent and family engagement policy is to create a positive learning environment that is supportive and collaborative for all students, parents, and the community. Therefore, parental engagement activities are scheduled throughout the school year to foster this collaboration. Many of these activities will focus on the improvement of student achievement socially and academically. As a result, learning strategies will be shared with parents in order to improve student achievement and address the needs of all students.


    Developing the Policy: The Parent and Family Engagement Policy is developed and reviewed annually by the Site Based Decision Making Team (SBDM). This team consists of a group of parents and campus staff that meet to plan, implement, and review the policy. Meetings are conducted on the school campus at a convenient time for parents.


    Annual Meeting: In order to ensure parent participation during the annual meeting, this meeting will be conducted as a part of the school’s Open House in November. School fliers will be sent home two weeks prior to this meeting. During this meeting, school test data, parental and family engagement activities, school curriculum and school procedures will be shared. In addition, families will be given an opportunity to make suggestions regarding improving participation in parental and family activities. In case that in person meeting is not possible, information will be shared via an email sent to the parents/guardians, including a survey requesting feedback and suggestions. Returned surveys will be kept by school Administrator/FCL and will be used as a log of attendance.


    School-Parent Compact: A School-Parent Compact for each student is included in our NHM student handbook available online. When the parents/guardians visit their child’s classroom during Parent Orientation meetings or during Open House, the teachers will explain the compact to the parents and request the parents’ and students’ signatures during this meeting. All compacts will be maintained by the teacher during the school year. It will also be available to parents on the campus website.


    Programs and the School Community: At the end of the school-year, surveys will be issued to the parents to determine the overall effectiveness of school activities. Parents will also be given an opportunity to place their suggestions in writing. The analysis of these surveys and written suggestions will assist the parent committee in planning future activities.


    Staff-Parent Communication: Parental and family communication will be documented via parental and communication logs. Parents will be consistently notified regarding their child’s progress at school.  Students who display a lack of academic progress or behavior concerns will be notified more frequently. Information regarding special scheduled conferences or events will be delivered by Parent Link and flyers. In addition, teachers will return parent phone calls or process parent information requests in a timely manner.


    Evaluation: The Parent Engagement Program will be evaluated by a group of parents and school staff at one of the two required meetings.


    Funding: All Title I schools are allocated funding to support parental and family engagement activities. Funds can be used in any way that is allowable under EDGAR regulations, to support activities at the schools.  Activities should be guided by addressing identified needs in the campus needs assessment. To learn strategies to address needs identified in comprehensive needs assessment or to identify needs the campuses can refer to Family Communications ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø. To align identified strategies with EDGAR, the Federal Programs Department is available for assistance. Resources on allowable activities can be found in the Grants and Development Website under Federal Programs.

Last Modified on November 11, 2020