Attendance and Absences

  • Susitna staff are committed to encouraging ALL students to come to learn and stay to grow so that they can leave prepared for the next steps of their educational journey.  Regular attendance is crucial for student academic achievement and social and emotional growth.



    If your child is sick or will be missing school, please call 742-1400 before 8:15 am OR report the absence through your ParentConnect account.

    ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø School District Policy is that students may not miss more than 17 days within the school year (no more than 2 per month).

    More than 17 absences will be noted on student report cards and may result in poor grades, non-progression, and truancy notices.

    • Excused Absences: Absences may be excused due to health reasons, family emergencies, participation in religious activities, or other reasons the Superintendent or Principal/Assistant Principal determines constitute good cause.


    • Unexcused Absences: Susitna staff are committed to celebrating consistent attendance and will implement appropriate students to reduce absences.


      • Make-Up Work from Absences: Students shall be allowed to make up school work missed because of an absence and shall receive full credit if the work is turned in according to a reasonable make-up schedule. (Typically, students are given one day to make up work for each day they were absent.) Teachers shall assign make-up work as necessary to ensure academic progress, not as a punitive measure. 


    When to Keep My Student Home:


    Fever – A fever is a warning that the body is fighting an infection that could quickly spread to others.  A child with a temperature of 100.4 F should not be sent to school; your child should stay home until they are fever-free without using fever-reducing medications like Tylenol. 


    Colds – Colds are more challenging to assess. A slightly runny nose and occasional dry cough are not enough to keep your child home. However, if your child’s nose runs constantly and/or the cough is frequent and wet, or your child is experiencing nausea or is too tired and uncomfortable to function at school, it would be best to keep the child home for a day or two. 


    Cough – If your child has a severe cough, rapid and/or difficulty breathing, wheezing, or the cough is accompanied by a sore throat or not feeling well, the child should stay home from school.


    Diarrhea – Diarrhea is defined as an unusual amount of very liquid stools compared to the child’s normal pattern. Children should stay home until they can participate normally at school. 


    Ears – If your child has pain, swelling, drainage or difficulty hearing, please see your healthcare provider. Untreated ear infections can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. 


    Eyes – If your child has red, itchy eyes with clear, yellow or green drainage from the eye, it may be contagious and a sign of bacterial conjunctivitis (pinkeye).  A child with pinkeye can attend school as long as they can keep from touching their eyes and show that they can properly wash their hands after contact with the infected eye.  


    Rash — A rash might be the first sign of an illness. If your child has a rash with a fever and behavioral changes, an oozing/open wound rash, or a tender rash worsening, your child should be evaluated by a healthcare provider. 


    Sore Throat – If your child has a sore throat, have the child gargle with warm salt water.  If the child's behavior is normal and the child eats breakfast, it’s probably safe to send your child to school. If your child has difficulty swallowing, or you notice saliva building up in your child’s mouth because your child can’t swallow, please keep your child home. If you see white spots in the back of the throat, please contact your doctor, as this could be a sign of an infection. 

    Vomiting / Nausea – Please keep your child home if your child has vomited more than two times in 24 hours, has a fever, or looks or acts ill.