
  • What are the academic benefits of combining campuses?

  • How will community be fostered in such a large campus?

  • Will this impact curriculum, specifically honors?

  • How will the district help schools transition administrators, teachers, and students smoothly?

  • How will merging the schools improve math and reading scores?

  • What happens to the quality of teachers over the next few years? Will teachers leave because they know the school is closing?

  • Will the mascot change? What will that look like?

  • How is the district going to handle any job losses if the schools were to merge?

  • Is there going to be new classes in STEM?

  • When did ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø have open enrollment?


  • When will the vote take place to start the design?

  • Will taxes increase? What is the estimate?

  • How are you going to enlarge facilities when there are talks about layoffs?

  • How was the community notified?

  • Is this the best use of public funds?


  • Why not just fix each school?

  • Will the final design be presented to the school staff and parents before construction begins?

  • How many residents (non ºÚ¶´ÉçÇø employees) have been involved in the generation of this presentation?

  • Why not upgrade both campuses to meet TEA standards?

  • As of right now we have a bussing problem in the district. How do we combine schools and transport children sufficiently?

  • Given children walk to school on Mississippi Ave. and it’s already congested, how will the district address this?

  • Shouldn’t you be talking to elementary parents since this impacts future middle school kids?

  • Why were these two schools chosen?

  • What would happen to the Viking Market? Would permanent space be provided?

  • How will bond allocations for closed schools be reallocated?

  • Will there be any Black-owned construction companies used on any of the proposed projects?

  • William James is a Historic Landmark. Have the Historic Society been notified about the proposed changes?

  • If William James is torn down will Texas Wesleyan purchase the land or building?

  • What has been the reason for delay on renovations from the 2021 bond?

  • How does the athletic field at Texas Wesleyan factor into the options?

  • With safety a top priority, will the campus be fenced like the charter schools?

  • Will the district communicate the actual plan land take feedback on the building site ideas before groundbreaking?

  • If Morningside MS has more acres, why is the building proposal smaller in square feet?

  • Will schools still be provided with resources and funding during build up?

  • What happens to the vacant middle school?

  • Is William James a historical site?

  • How much input will STEM, other teachers have on facility plans?