• About ASD Green Schools

    ASD Green Schools is an initiative to promote recycling, waste reduction and sustainability at schools. The initiative is voluntary and achievable through a certification process. A set of criteria define certification requirements for schools and each school will be re-assessed every-other year. The initiative will provide a low cost, low time platform that will enable schools to achieve and meet sustainability goals while educating students on the importance of recycling, waste reduction, and sustainability.


    The creation of school-specific sustainability plans are part of the initiative, allowing schools to integrate them into the curriculum or supplement their lesson plans. A classroom, club, student body, teacher, BPO or parent can be the ambassadors of the program. ASD Green Schools will provide training to a small group and allow the group to educate the entire school through a series of activities and events. The initiative will provide recycling and waste management feedback to schools while creating an educational environment for students. In addition, the program will generate recycling data that will facilitate tracking of recycling and waste reduction at ASD.

ASD Green Schools Logo
  • All
  • ACT
  • Eagle River High Shcool
  • Girdwood Elementary
  • Government Hill Elementary
  • Hanshew Middle School
  • Northwood ABC Elementary
  • Roger Park Elementary
  • Romig Middle School
  • Service High School
  • West High School

  • ASD Green School Certification

    To become a certified ASD Green School, each school is required to meet a set of criteria. Once the school is ready to be certified, the recycling coordinator will visit and certify those schools who meet the criteria. Schools will have full support from the recycling coordinator to  help them become certified

    1. Establish a Green Team The green team will be the leaders of the schools recycling efforts. The green team must be sponsored by a staff member, BPO, Parent or Volunteer and can consist of a motivated student group, classroom, or student body
    2. Assess your Waste (Optional) A waste characterization study (WCS) done by each school will provide information regarding the type and origin of waste for the school. If a WCS is not possible, the school will use the weighted waste characterization for the district. The waste characterization study will allow the school to measure their progress and set goals for each year. The green team with the help of teachers, sponsors, and the recycling coordinator will perform the waste characterization studies.
    3. Set Goals and Make a Plan Outline a recycling and waste reduction plan based on the results from your waste study. The recycling coordinator will help each school through the process of making plans to meet the set goals.
    4. Promote/Educate/Incentivize your Plan There are a variety of educational resources, activities and initiatives are available to promote recycling, waste reduction, and sustainability. Programs can vary depending on the desired involvement of the school and students. Each school will be required to implement at least one event/activity that will aid in waste reduction and recycling. In an effort to reduce contamination in the recycling bin, each school will implement a recycling feedback system to evaluate classrooms during recycling day.
    5. Measure and Share your Success As part of ASD Green Schools, measuring your success is of utmost importance. Each school will have a website portion to enable them to measure and share their success. Analyzing and reporting data will help spread environmental education through data analysis.
    6. Celebrate your CERTIFICATION! Once you have met the above criteria you will become a certified ASD Green School. The certification will provide you with a certificate plaque, acknowledgment in newsletters, principal meetings, and the Education Center.
  • ASD Green Schools Benefits

    Becoming an ASD Green Schools certified School comes with some amazing benefits for your students and school. 


    • ASD Green Schools Certificate Plaque – This can be displayed at your school and on the schools website
    • Newsletter Posting – Newly certified schools Certification will be acknowledged in the weekly newsletter for the ASD.
    • Recycling Website Portion – Each school will have a website portion with a data dashboard to display waste reduction results and exhibition achievements/photos.
    • School District Acknowledgment - Certified schools will be acknowledged on a green leaf display at the Education Center.
    • Recycling Vests - Green Teams will be given vests to be worn while collecting recycling or hosting events.
    • Opportunity to Apply for Recycling Grants – ALPAR is granting small grants to incentivize the implementation of waste reduction practices.
    • Participate in Recycling and Waste Reduction Competitions – Recycle-BOWL, PepsiCo Recycling Rally, and others.
    • Receive Awards – Best school, best sponsor, recycling BPO of the year, Recycle-Bowl local Winner, Recycle Rally Local Winner, and more.
    • Potential Reductions to School Waste Bill – By implementing more waste reduction practices, your compactor disposal amounts theoretically go down, creating cost savings. If your school’s waste reduction is significant, the possibly of removing one of your trash dumpsters can be evaluated.
    • Educational Opportunities - Create pride in recycling and waste reduction that your students will learn and take home.


  • Questions?  Contact your recycling coordinator


     Maggie    Maggie Bardauskas


         (907) 742 -5050 


  • Special Thanks to

    SWS akwaste alpar