Parking Lot Info

  • Our traffic patterns are important at Aquarian. The school was not designed for all private transportation. It is critical that parents and students cross in designated areas and walk with caution in the parking lot and sidewalks. Winter brings ice and dark to our crowded parking lot and we ask for your patience and caution. 


    Thank you for keeping our children safe!

    Drop Off/ Pick Up
    General Guidance
    • Drop Off is from 8:00-8:15. Students are welcome to enter the building through the gym doors at 8:15. Until then they will wait outside on the blacktop.
    • Pickup is from 3:15-3:30. Classes have specials until 3:15. Please do not plan on picking up earlier than 3:15. You will just be waiting in line. We do a staggered dismissal. Students in 3rd-6th will be dismissed at 3:15. Students in kindergarten through the 2/3 multiage will be released at 3:25. If you have a student in the upper grades and another in the lower grades, come at the 3:25 pickup time.
    • No Cell Phone Usage in the Pickup/ Drop Off-Line
    • Parents and students must cross at a crosswalk.
    • Please be kind and patient. Our kids are watching.
    Drop Off
    • All students will enter through the gym doors.
    • Please pull all the way forward. Do not leave space between you and the car in front of you.
    • If your child needs assistance getting in and out of the vehicle, please park and walk them across the crosswalk.
    You have two options for pickup:
    1. Go through the pickup line. OR
    2. Park and meet your child at their line spot on the fence. (Do not meet your child at their classroom. Our halls get crowded during dismissal. We need to safely be able to exit.)
    Using the Pickup Line
    • Have your yellow card (These will be sent home on the first day and handed out during pick up the first week.) displayed on the right-hand side of your windshield. Staff will be looking for this to call your child to the pickup line.
    • When you enter the pickup line, pull all the way forward. Do not leave space between you and the next vehicle.
    • A staff member will call your child on the radio. They will be waiting for you in front of the fence, where their class is lined up.
    • Students must enter the vehicle from the sidewalk. They may not walk around the vehicle, as cars pass on that side.
    • You may not get out of your car in the pickup line.
    • As soon as your child is safely inside, please exit the pickup line.
    • When exiting the school grounds whether from the parking lot or pickup line, you must turn right. (This is new this year!)
    • Park
    • Cross at a crosswalk.
    • Meet your child at their line spot on the fence.
    • Check-in with the teacher before leaving with your child.
    • Do NOT park on the side street. Our neighbors get very frustrated.
    • If you want to park, you must use the Lois to 32nd route. All vehicles coming from Minnesota, will need to use the pickup/ drop off line. (This is new this year.)
    • When exiting the school grounds whether from the parking lot or pickup line, you must turn right. (This is new this year!)

    Traffic Map