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Student Handbook-see it here!



                      Tiger Pride


 Applied Learning Academy Student Handbook




          Alice Buckley, Principal

                7060 Camp Bowie Blvd.

                   Fort Worth, TX 76116


        Welcome to Applied Learning Academy

Welcome to the 2018-19 school year!  Whether you are new or returning to ALA, we look forward to positive experiences of learning and enrichment.  Education is a team effort between teachers, students, and parents. We look forward to collaboratively working with students and parents.

We promise to continue our collective efforts to sustain those characteristics that are critical to the culture of our school. We know that you chose our school with those characteristics in mind. These elements include:

  • Applied learning projects that serve real life purposes and have outside audiences;
  • Reading requirement of 500,000 or a million words per year
  • Parent volunteer hours; 5 hours per 9 weeks earns your child a free dress pass! 
  • Required portfolio that includes reading requirement, at least one applied learning project, service learning projects, and a yearlong independent project reflective of a student’s deep interest in a chosen subject
  • Authentic assessment system;
  • Learner centered curriculum that focuses on developing habits of mind;

We know that dissemination of information, communication, and support among all ALA participants is essential as we continue to move forward toward the realization of our collective vision. This handbook is provided to assist the school community as we work together to revitalize the educational process for students at ALA.

One of our goals at the Academy is to help our children become responsible, productive citizens as they progress through school. As parents, you can assist greatly in the endeavor. By reviewing the policies and systems addressed in this handbook, and then reinforcing them with your child, you will make a great contribution to the development of your child as a mature responsible and independent student. Our parents’ industriousness, cooperation, enthusiasm, and understanding help to shape our school years and make them extraordinarily rewarding.

This handbook has been prepared to provide students and parents with pertinent information about Applied Learning Academy. It is provided as a reference source for the guidelines by which the school operates. Parents are encouraged to contact the school with questions. Please sign and return the Commitment Agreement on the last page of this Student/Parent Handbook to your first period teacher.




                                           General Information

Main Office Hours- 8:15-4:40

Main Office Number- 817-815-5500                                Main Office Fax- 817-815-5550


Alice Buckley-Principal

Elodia Escamilla-Assistant Principal

Counseling/Intervention Services

Abram Carpenter -Counselor

Lindsay Stone-Intervention Specialist

Office Staff

Toni Aguirre- Secretary

Lisa Parks-Data Clerk


Bell Schedule-8 period day


Period 1   9:15-10:10                                                                                                

Period 2   10:05-10:50                                                                                  

Period 3   10:55-11:40                                                                                  

6th grade lunch/Period 4        11:45-12:20/12:25-1:10

7th /8th grade Period 4/Lunch            11:45-12:30/12:35-1:10

Period 5   1:15-2:00

Period 6   2:05-2:50

Period 7   2:55-3:40

Period 8   3:45-4:30



                                                      Faculty & Staff Contact Information



Alice Buckley, Principal - 

Elodia Escamilla, Assistant Principal -

Abram Carpenter, Counselor –

Lindsay Stone, Intervention Specialist –

Lisa Alvarado, Cafeteria Manager -

Tessie Mosteiro, Librarian –

Brandy Baker, 6th grade Science –

Taylor Grayson, 6th grade Math —

Jeff DeLong, 6th grade Social Studies –

Raven Saqer, 6th grade English –

Sara Barnes, PE/Enhanced Math –

Daniel Henneke, 7th grade Math/Geometry -

Alexandra Checka, 7th grade English –

Cathy Coble, 7th grade Social Studies –

Stephannie Householder, 7th grade Science –

Laura Hand, 8th grade Science –

Michael (Chip) Haro, 8th grade English –

Heather Ware, 8th grade Math/7th grade Pre-AP Math/Algebra -

Kelly Richards, 8th grade Social Studies  —

Genifer Best, Art –

Julio Montañez, Orchestra –

Sherry Prichard, Inclusion –

Yesika Lopera –

Melissa Sill, Choir –

Katy Wood, Theater—

Emily Brandt, Band –

Martha Sullivan, 6th grade Health/Enhanced Math -

Marion Marrs, OCI –

Bethany Jackson, PE Aide –

Angela Sandoval, Computer Lab/Targeted Reading –

*Please note that each teacher has a planning period for parent/teacher conferences. Teachers will not be able to conference with parents if they have a class. Since all teachers are required to check their email daily, you may contact them via email to schedule a conference.  Please allow 48 hours for teachers to respond.  If you have not gotten a response within 48 please e-mail Ms. Buckley or Ms. Escamilla, so we can follow up for you.

General Rules

  1. Follow directions of school personnel.
  2. Respect yourself and others, keeping your hands and feet to yourself.
  3. Be on time and come prepared with necessary materials.
  4. Take care of your personal needs during the provided passing period and lunch time.
  5. Review the 黑洞社区 Student Code of Conduct.  Students will be held accountable to the rules and expectations within this document.  It is very important to review the Student Code of Conduct for the 2018-2019 year since changes have been made. This may be done through the Fort Worth ISD website or you may request a paper copy from the main office.
  6. Transportation is not a right it is a privilege therefore it is important that all students follow the 黑洞社区 Bus Rules and Procedures.  Failure to follow these procedures can result in suspension and/or removal from the bus.

Besides offenses, the following items are also prohibited at ALA (possession of these items will result in disciplinary action):*

Electronic toys or games,                    Fireworks,                               Silly String

Skateboards,                                       Poppers/Stink bombs,                        Laser pens/lights

Noise makers,                                                 Water Guns,                            Permanent markers

*Any other item deemed inappropriate or dangerous by the administration.

Students are responsible and will be held accountable for their behavior choices.


Arrival and Dismissal Information


 School begins at 9:15 a.m. However, students need to be in the building by 9:10 a.m. in order to get to class with their supplies by 9:15 a.m.

Students who arrive after 9:15  a.m. are required to check in through the main office with a note from a parent or medical professional and acquire a pass to enter class.

Repeated tardiness has a costly and negative effect on your child’s success at school.  Students who are enrolled in high school credit classes must have at least 90% attendance for the class or they will not receive credit for the class.  Additionally, disciplinary action will be taken for repetitive tardiness.

Applied Learning Academy school will open at 8:45 a.m. There is no adult supervision prior to 8:45 a.m. Students should refrain from arriving prior to 8:45 a.m. Students may eat breakfast at that time.   Breakfast is free for all students.

Dismissals: Students need to be picked up by 4:40 p.m. Your child’s safety is of the upmost importance. There is no adult supervision for students left after 4:40 p.m. 

Students will only be released to persons listed on the Emergency Contact Sheet in the main office.  I.D. will be required before a student is released.





Regular attendance is a necessary requirement to the learning process.  Students should be in class every day, all day---attendance in school is directly related to academic achievement. While there are times when an absence from school cannot be avoided, parents must understand that they are a part of their child’s educational journey and attendance is imperative. Students who are enrolled in high school credit classes must have at least 90% attendance for the class or they will not receive credit for the class. 

As much as possible, appointments should be scheduled outside of school hours.

We are implementing a rewards system for perfect attendance and your child will miss out on opportunities for incentives if they miss school and/or have late arrivals/early dismissals.

Attendance protocol

A student absent from school for any portion of the day shall provide a note that describes the reason for the absence.

The note must include the following information:

1) Student’s First and Last Name

2) Date of absence and date note was written

3) Reason for absence

4) Signature of Parent/Guardian and phone number

This note must be presented to the data clerk, Lisa Parks, for admission to all classes.  Students have seven calendar days to present a note for an excused absence. After that time, the absence will be unexcused.  The parents of students who have documented five unexcused absences will be sent a letter from the school notifying them that they must attend a meeting with the district SART representative. This meeting addresses the State's Compulsory Attendance laws and provides information on social services for families.

The only excused absences are those covered by official doctor’s notes, court appointments or religious holidays.

Other absences will need to be approved by the school principal.



Make-Up Work

Make-up work is the responsibility of the student who has an absence. The student must check with the teacher regarding make-up work on the day he/she returns to class. Students have one day per day absent to make up work and return it to the appropriate teacher.

                                                   Tardy Policy

Being late to a class not only disrupts the learning environment but can also create a safety issue on campus. ALA students are expected to report to class on time with their appropriate supplies for their assigned class. Students will receive a disciplinary consequence for each tardy received (this includes tardiness to the first period of the day).

Disciplinary consequences include: lunch detention or ISS.   Students repeatedly tardy to class may be subject to further disciplinary action, such as suspension, for repeatedly not following the rules of school personnel.

                                               Student Code of Conduct

Students and teachers have a right to learn and work in a safe environment that encourages academic achievement. Creating such an environment requires everyone to know and support the rules.  The Student Code of Conduct details the high standards of behavior expected of students.

An online version of the Student Code of Conduct can be accessed via the Fort Worth ISD website ().   Parents and students should review the Student Code of Conduct as changes have been made.  Students need to adhere to the policies in the Student Code of Conduct.  Parent and student, please print and sign the acknowledgement sheet stating that you received the student code of conduct and return this sheet to your first period teacher.  There are limited printed copies of the Student Code of Conduct in the office if you do not have online access.

Student discipline is designed both to correct misconduct and encourage students to behave as responsible citizens of the school community. These standards of behavior are issued under the authority of Fort Worth ISD to administer discipline whenever the interest of the District is involved regardless of location.

Students are required to respect the rights and privileges of other students, teachers, staff, volunteers and visitors to the campus. All students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the expectations set out in the Student Code of Conduct and common courtesies.

Student offenses will be handled according to school and district policies.

Consequences include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Student conference/parent conference
  • Restorative discipline
  • Counseling
  • Detention
  • Restitution
  • In School Suspension
  • Suspension
  • OCI (On Campus Intervention)
  • 3rd party hearings
  • Loss of privileges (field trips, dances, etc.)

Disciplinary action may be taken in order to help a student assume responsibility for correcting his/her performance or inappropriate behavior. The consequences are dependent on the severity or recurring nature of the violation and/or the student’s problem behavior.  Of course, misconduct deemed sufficiently serious, including criminal misconduct, may result in more serious consequences.


The school administrator or designee will investigate any allegations of misconduct that are reasonably characterized as problematic.

The administrator in charge of the investigation will at a minimum take the following steps:

  1. Obtain a written statement from the complainant regarding the allegations;
  2. Obtain a written statement from the accused;
  3. Obtain a written statement from witnesses, if any.

Appropriate action, if any, will be taken if there is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct.

Academic Integrity

Students are responsible for their learning. The material they are learning is building the foundation for their future. It is the expectation that all students will do their own work. In addition, students should extend their learning beyond the confines of the classroom by doing homework and studying. Students who are dishonest can expect a consequence.

Plagiarism is passing off another’s work as your own and taking credit. This includes: cutting and pasting from websites, using other student’s work as your own, and copying from books. Whenever you use someone else’s work, that person must be given credit in the proper citation format.

Cheating/Copying is another prohibited act. Students are not allowed to get answers from another student. On the other hand, students are not allowed to let another student copy their work. Both acts are considered forms of cheating and will not be tolerated. Students who cheat will be held accountable. Students will receive zeros and/or disciplinary consequences for cheating. 



In 6th grade Advisory is a pre-requisite to prepare students for the work they will engage in as 7th and 8th graders.  Students will learn how to research topics, make presentations, and create authentic work samples to demonstrate a deep understanding of a topic of interest. 

In 7th and 8th grade students pick which Advisory topic they will study all year.  Students attend an Advisory Expo at the end of August to preview their options of choices. Students then spend the year learning about the chosen topic in great depth.  Throughout the school year there are Portfolio workdays scheduled.  On Portfolio workdays students spend all day in their Advisory class.  In May, all 7th and 8th graders will present to their peers and the public during our end of year Portfolio Symposium.  The Symposium is an all-day event, which we invite and encourage parents and the public to attend. 

Applied Learning Projects

Every ALA student is required to participate in at least one applied learning project per year.  Students will be required to fill out the applied learning project protocol form and obtain a sponsor’s signature before the sponsor requests final approval from administration.  It is the teacher’s responsibility to help guide the students thru the process of filling out the form and determining if the project is viable.


Every ALA student is required to create a yearlong portfolio that includes their Advisory topic research and work-samples.   The portfolio will be standards based.  Students will be required to meet reading check-points during the school year, complete at least one applied learning project, and participate in a service learning project.    All students will participate the Symposium at the end of the year.  8th grade students must fulfill all the portfolio requirements to be allowed to participate in 8th grade promotion.

Reading Requirement

All students are required to read and document either 500,000 or a million words per year based on ELA class placement.  There are monthly checkpoints designed to monitor your child’s progress towards meeting this goal.  The checkpoints are carefully designed to make this requirement very manageable.  However, it is critical that your child keep up with every reading checkpoint.  Students who fall behind on the checkpoints have a very hard time catching up.  Students who miss a reading checkpoint will be assigned to ZAP until they catch up.



Zeros Aren’t Permitted (ZAP) time is during lunch time.  Students choosing to take a zero instead of attempting to complete work is unacceptable at ALA.   Students are assigned ZAP for two days.  Each Tuesday and Thursday we run a new ZAP report.  Any student that has a zero will have a working lunch in the small cafeteria.  Additionally, students who have not met their checkpoints for the reading requirement or portfolio work will be assigned to ZAP until they are caught up.  Students will not be allowed to talk during their working lunch as our goal is for them to eat and focus on getting their work completed.  If a student does not complete the work during ZAP time they should continue working on the assignment at home, before school, or afterschool in order to be removed from the list before the list is printed again.  ZAP is not lunch detention.  Students will never be assigned to ZAP for a discipline infraction.  Although students may feel like ZAP is a punishment it is a proactive strategy to ensure students do not fail for the year and help them learn time management skills to complete their work in a timely manner.  Administration supervises ZAP and Mr. Carpenter, our counselor, will be working with “frequent flyers” to help them devise a time management plan to help them get their work done in a timely manner.

                                                      Grade Promotion

In grades 6-8, promotion to the next grade level shall be based on an overall average of 70 on a scale of 100 based upon course-level, grade level standards for all subject areas, and a grade of 70 or above in three of the following areas: language arts, mathematics, science and social studies.

All 8th graders must present on their Advisory topic to be allowed to participate in the 8th grade promotion ceremony.  Additionally, 8th graders must be cleared of all fines or holds to be allowed to participate in the 8th grade promotion ceremony.

After school Activities

When students are attending an after school activity they must report to the sponsor’s room. Students are not allowed to roam the building until an event begins.

Concession Stand for After School Events

Our Fine Arts department runs a Blue Zone Approved concession stand after school on days that after school events are scheduled on.  All money raised from the concession stand supports our Fine Arts program.  Students staying for after school events should not leave campus to buy snacks. 

Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices   

Students may possess telecommunication and other electronic devices while on school property and may use them for instructional purpose under the direction of the teacher.  Texting during the instructional day will result in the confiscation of the phone and a fine. The phone will be given to the office staff to secure.  The principal or assistant principal will be notified of the collection.  The student will be required to pay the fine in order to receive the phone. Fines are paid to the school secretary.  Students are responsible for their personal electronic devices. School officials are not required to search for personal electronic devices that are missing during school hours, on the school bus, or at any school related event.

Confiscation of electronic devices

A campus administrator must notify the parent that the electronic device has been confiscated within two days.

To reclaim an electronic device, the parent must:

  1. Present written proof of ownership and a photo ID, in person, at the campus, during posted school hours.
  2. Complete a district form acknowledging return of the device.
  3. Pay a $15 fee per device as allowed by Education Code 37. 082

The $15 fee will be accepted by the local campus administrator to cover administrative cost of processing the confiscated device. The fee may be paid either in cash or with a money order. After 30 days, unclaimed devices will be disposed of by the District.

The District is not responsible for the loss or theft of electronic devices following confiscation

                                                Computer Use

Access to the District’s electronic communications system is not a right, but a privilege. Parents must sign an acknowledgement form before students are allowed to access district computers. Policies and administrative regulations are available online at . Noncompliance will result in disciplinary action consistent with District policies and regulations.  Violations of the law may result in criminal prosecutions as well as disciplinary action by the 黑洞社区.

All 8th graders will be issued a Chromebook this school year.  It is the expectation that the studenst bring the fully charged Chromebook to class daily.  Before the student is issued the Chromebook both the parent and student must sign and return the Parent/Student Chromebook contract to the school.  The contracts will be sent home with the students when the Chromebooks are delivered to the campus.

          Standards of Dress

Purpose: The District’s standard of dress has been established in an effort to improve student learning and to facilitate a safe learning environment. It is intended to instill discipline, prevent disruption, avoid safety hazards and teach respect for authority. Students shall be required to adhere to the dress code during school hours and dress appropriately while participating in other school-sponsored activities.

  • Tops:
    • Color: Navy or white
    • Style: Collared (polo or oxford) shirts or blouses, mock turtlenecks or turtlenecks; all must have sleeves and should be tucked in. T-shirts shall not be worn as outer clothing.
    • Outerwear: Sweatshirts or sweaters in navy or white are acceptable as outerwear if worn over standard dress; coats and jackets of any color shall be worn in accordance with weather conditions and are not worn in the classroom.
  • Bottoms:
    • Color: Navy, khaki, black or blue denim
    • Style: Pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, capris or jumpers are acceptable; all must be hemmed or cuffed and can be no shorter than three inches above the knee. Jeans must be free of embellishments. Sagging pants are not permissible.
  • Shoes:
    • Style: Athletic shoes, loafers, dress shoes or other closed-toe shoes as well as open-toe/open-heel shoes. Shoelaces should be white or should match the color of the shoe.

Guidelines for ALL grades (Prekindergarten-12):

  • Clothing shall be the correct size for students, with no sagging pants.
  • Tops (shirts or blouses) shall be tucked into clothing.
  • T-shirts worn as undergarments must be solid white.
  • T-shirts shall not be worn as outer clothing.
  • Denim blue jeans must be free of embellishments.
  • Bottoms should be hemmed or cuffed.
  • Shorts, skirts and skorts shall be no shorter than three inches above the knee.
  • Shoelaces must be white or match the color of the shoe.
  • Acceptable accessories include belts of a solid color fabric or leather with a buckle no larger than two inches.
  • Tights, socks and hosiery should be a solid color.
  • Manufacturer logos on apparel must be less than a one and one-half inch square with the exception of school logos.

Unacceptable dress for ALL grades (Prekindergarten-12):

  • Sagging pants
  • T-shirts worn as outer clothing or as visible undergarments
  • Clothing considered too revealing (bare midriffs, tube tops, tank tops, cut-off shirts, low-cut tops, crop tops, see-through shirts, fish-net clothing)
  • Clothing with holes, tears or cuts
  • Clothing with lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscene pictures, emblems or language
  • Clothing with advertising that depicts tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs or any substance prohibited under FNCF (LEGAL)
  • Gang-related clothing, accessories or jewelry bearing signs, insignia, colors or symbols
  • Active-wear such as wind shorts, warm-ups, soccer shorts, boxer shorts, sweat suits or spandex gym wear, workout slides
  • Sleepwear, visible drawstrings, house shoes
  • Except for verified religious clothing, head gear such as hats, scarves, bandanas, do-rags or shower caps
  • Combs, sunglasses or grillz
  • Accessories or body piercings that could be classified as dangerous or as a potential weapon, i.e., chains, spiked necklaces or bracelets, or similar items

Students of all grade levels are expected to be in full compliance with the dress code beginning on the first day of school. Violations of the dress code are handled at the school level.

Fridays are spirit shirt days.  Students are encouraged to wear any ALA spirit shirt.

School level consequences include detention, In School Suspension, OCI, and loss of “free” dress privileges and other incentives that will be offered by the school.

Extracurricular Activities

The principal, in cooperation with the sponsor, coach or other person in charge of an extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity.  Students who violate dress and grooming standards established for such an activity may be removed or excluded from the activity for a period determined by the principal or sponsor and may be subject to other disciplinary action, as specified in the Student Code of Conduct. (See FO series)

Exceptions on designated days by the principal

  • Special attire may be worn for special days such as spirit day, casual day, field day, promotion day, and the like, as designated by the principal.
  • School organization apparel or school event apparel may be worn as designated by the principal.
  • Accommodations for students with special needs or for religious requirements shall be determined on a case by case basis and approved by the principal.


Health Policies

All student illness or injury on campus must be reported to the school nurse. Therefore, it is expected that students report to the nurse before they contact a parent/guardian.  Students must request a pass from their teacher to see the nurse.  The nurse will contact parents if student illness warrants a dismissal from school.

Only medication that has been ordered by a doctor may be given at school. All medication that is to be administered at school must be sent in an original container (prescription and non-prescription). Prescription medication must include the instruction label issued by the doctor or pharmacy with the child’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage and the time the medication is to be given.

All medication must be accompanied by the 黑洞社区 Request Form, bearing the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage, the time the medication is to be given, the parent’s signature, and the doctor’s signature. If at any time the instructions for your child’s medication change, a new 黑洞社区 Request Form must be filled out. The medication is to be turned in to the school nurse at the beginning of each week with the appropriate documentation. The school nurse or designated staff will dispense the medication at the appropriate times. Students should never have medication in their possession. Students who have unauthorized medications in their possession are subject to disciplinary action.

Transportation Information

School Bus Procedure

The bus driver is responsible for safety on the school bus. Misconduct is reported to the principal, who will take appropriate disciplinary action. Students may be suspended from riding the school bus for misconduct.   Bus transportation is a privilege, not a right.

Please refer to the transportation handbook that is sent home or the district site for additional information, rules, and procedures.


Lockers will not be assigned to students.

If students need a locker for a day’s use and/or medical issue, they may see the assistant principal to be issued a locker for the day. Students are not allowed to store belongings in any locker without permission.

Student lockers are District property and are subject to random inspection at any time and for any purpose by administration. The student’s parent or guardian will be notified if any prohibited articles or materials are found in a student’s locker as a result of a search conducted in accordance with this policy.


The front door of the building and all other school doors will be locked after 9:30.  All visitors to the building will need to push the intercom button located by the door to gain access to the building.  The front door of the building is only entrance that should be used by visitors during the school day.

Visitors must check-in thru the main office. Visitors should present a picture ID to obtain a visitor’s badge and wear it while on campus.   Visitors may not visit classrooms during the instructional period without administrative permission.

Student ID’s

Students are required to wear their ID badges daily.  The cost of an ID is  $2.00.  They must be paid for in cash in the office.  Students must have their ID’s to check out library books, use the cafeteria line, and attend field trips.  Lost ID’s should be reported to the office and a new ID should be purchased for $2.00.  It is the expectation that students wear their ID visibly around their neck every day.  Being able to quickly and easily identify students is paramount to maintain a safe and secure campus.  Students consistently not wearing their IDs will face progressive discipline.  Your child’s safety is our number one priority.

Cafeteria Information

The application for free or reduced price lunches is now online. Please go online and complete this application as soon as the school year begins. If you do not have online access, we will have limited copies available in the office.  Until your child has been approved, you will need to furnish either a sack lunch or money. The district’s lunch card office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and is located at 601 E. Northside Drive. Anyone interested in obtaining immediate approval may take the application in person to this office. If you need additional information, please call the school cafeteria at 817-815-5623.

Parents are encouraged to prepay for their child’s lunch. You may pay the cafeteria directly or pay online by accessing the district’s website.

During lunch, students are expected to:

  1. Follow the directions of school personnel during lunch.
  2. Stay seated until you are dismissed.
  3. Clean up and put trash and recycling in the areas provided.
  4. All food and drink must be consumed in the cafeteria.
  5. Bring a sack lunch or buy food in the hot food or a la carte line.

Birthday parties/Special Occasions/Outside Food

Texas Public School Nutrition Policy and FMNV guidelines PROHIBIT competitive foods from being served.

Cupcakes, cake, soda, etc. will not be allowed in the cafeteria.

Parents may only bring lunch for their child. 

Students may not order food to be delivered to the front office at lunch time.

Special Occasions

Please be aware that Special Occasion deliveries (i.e. balloons, flowers, cookie bouquets, etc.) made to students are not allowed in the classrooms or cafeteria.  Therefore, these will be kept in the office for the student to pick up after school.  In lieu of this policy, it is not advised that outside deliveries be made to students during the school day.  Students may not order food to be delivered to the school.


Selling Items at School

Students are prohibited from selling candy, gum, etc. for personal profit. Students who attempt to sell items on campus will have those items confiscated and may face disciplinary action.

All fundraising must be approved by the school principal.


Teachers have classroom sets of textbooks in their classrooms.  Students may check out a textbook for individual use from the assistant principal.  Please be aware that the new 黑洞社区 Adoption for Math and Science books are now consumable textbooks.  Students are issued the first one free, but if they are lost they must replace it for a nominal fee under $20.  If a student checked out a textbook, they are responsible for returning the book to the assistant principal at the end of the year. Fines will be charged for damaged textbooks. A replacement fee will be charged for lost or stolen textbooks. Eighth grade students will not be allowed to participate in promotion until they clear all textbook fines (including library fines).


Inclement Weather/School Emergency Closings

In the event that severe weather or another emergency interferes with a school day, one of the following plans will be put into effect. Please be familiar with each.

Plan One: Closing of School- Building will be closed completely. No school that day.

Plan Two: Delayed Opening -When it is expected that the weather and/or street conditions will clear enough to allow a delayed opening of school, buses will run and school will open two hours later than regular time. Our school would open from 11:00 to 4:20.

                                                Parental Involvement

Working Together

A child’s education succeeds best when there is good communication and a strong partnership between home and school.

Your involvement in this partnership may include:

  • Encouraging your child to put a high priority on education, including, placing an emphasis on being present all day, every day.
  • Working with your child on a daily basis to make the most of the educational opportunities the school affords.
  • Establishing and maintaining a positive attitude toward education and school personnel.
  • Assisting in ensuring your child is properly attired for school according to the standards of the dress code.
  • Monitoring the academic progress of your child and conferencing with teachers as needed.
  • Attending scheduled conferences.
  • Becoming a school volunteer and/or participating in PTA.
  • Ensuring your child completes all homework assignments and projects.
  • Discussing with the counselor or administration any questions you may have about the options and opportunities available to your child and/or bring to the attention of school authorities any learning problem or condition that may relate to your child’s education.
  • Help arrange learning opportunities in the community.

                                                 Parent Conferences

Parents are extremely important to a child’s learning process. Please contact the school 24 hours in advance to schedule a parent conference with the appropriate teachers. Teachers are available during their planning period. Please call the school for specific times. Please refrain from attempting to talk with teachers while they have a class. Instructional time is valuable as is your question and/or concern. If you are unable to schedule a meeting during their planning time, please email the teacher or call the principal/assistant principal to schedule a more convenient time.

                                                Parent Concerns

If at any time there is a classroom concern please:

  • Discuss classroom concerns with teacher first.
  • If a concern is brought to an administrator and the parent has not consulted with the teacher, a parent/teacher conference will be recommended by the administrator.

We are here to help your child succeed. If there is a concern outside of the classroom, please contact either an administrator or counselor.

                                                 Parent Volunteers

We want our parents to volunteer at ALA. There are many opportunities to volunteer whether it is providing expertise in career fields, chaperoning dances or field trips, or joining PTA.

 All parent volunteers must complete a criminal background check at the beginning of the year.

                                         Counseling and Intervention Services

A School Counselor and Intervention Specialist are on campus and available to assist students and their parents with immediate social, emotional, and behavioral needs in support of academic success and personal development.   Consultation is available for academic planning, college and career readiness, and monitoring of current learning progress in classes at ALA, in coordination with teachers and administrators.   Referral services are available for student and family mental health needs and for basic needs assistance.     Guidance lessons are delivered to students in accordance with School Board policy and TEC 33.006 for implementation of a comprehensive, developmental guidance Program.

For Students:     A pass signed by a teacher is necessary to come to the Counselor or Intervention Specialist’s Office.    Appointments can be scheduled for non-emergency needs.    Parents may initiate a referral, with signed permission.

For Parents:    Assistance is available by phone, or an appointment can be scheduled to meet in-person. 

It’s Not Okay    ALA supports this 黑洞社区 campaign to encourage healthy student decision-making and safe, respectful student interactions.     This collaborative effort involves students, parents, campus personnel and district /community supports to address behaviors that can put the student and others at risk (i.e. bullying, cyberbullying, teen dating violence, sexting, suicide, gangs, sexual harassment and substance abuse).

More information is available by clicking this button on the ALA website, and through 黑洞社区 website links.

Students can report a concern by clicking this green button, by calling 817-469-TIPS, or by texting TIP117 plus your message to 274637.








Admittance to all school dances may require an admission fee and presentation of the Student Activity/Identification Card. Dances are for the Applied Learning Academy students only and are held periodically throughout the school year.


Students are responsible for all personal items brought to school. If you have lost an item, check in the main office and by the small cafeteria door where a lost and found shelf is located. If an item has been stolen, please contact the campus monitor or the school resource officer or other designated official. If you find articles of clothing, purses, wallets, etc. please turn these in to the main office for the lost and found. Items left in the lost and found may be donated to charitable organizations.

Volunteer Hours

ALA administration and the PTA are asking that each family contributes 5 volunteer hours per every 9 weeks of school.  Without the help of parent volunteers the school’s many activities would not be able to happen.  There will be volunteer hour forms in the office.  Once you complete your 5 hours, fill out the form, put it in the PTA box in the office, and your child will earn a free dress pass to be used on the designated day at the end of the 9 week period.

How can you earn volunteer hours?  Chaperone field trips or school events, work on a Parent work day, volunteer to present or help an Advisory teacher on a Portfolio workday, help with the spirit store, come to a PTA meeting….the list is endless!




















Please return this form to your first period teacher indicating you have read the ALA student handbook and agree to the commitment agreement.

Applied Learning Academy

2018-19 Commitment Agreement


Student Name:______________________________________ Home School:_______________________

Address:__________________________________________________ Zip Code:____________________

Parents/Guardians’ Names_______________________________________________________________

Home Phone:_________________ Cell Phone:_________________ Work Phone:___________________

Home Phone:_________________ Cell Phone:_________________ Work Phone:___________________

The Applied Learning Academy is a school that seriously takes its responsibility to provide students with a unique and different approach to learning.  We believe the applied learning approach encourages children to be independent learners while working as members of a team to apply classroom learning to new situations.  We are pleased that you and your child have chosen to be a part of our ALA family.    Applied learning is student centered with applied learning goals and outcomes negotiated with the students.  In order for students to be successful at ALA they will need to commit to the following guidelines:

I am committed to being a part of the ALA community.  I understand that I will be allowed to remain at the school if:

  1. I complete at a minimum one applied learning project each year.
  2. I read 500,000 or a million words per year.
  3. I complete a portfolio of my chosen study of interest.
  4. I participate in a service learning project
  5. I pass each of my courses with a 70% or higher.
  6. I behave in compliance with district polices, school polices, and with the Student Code of Conduct. Any chronic behavior issues or students sent to DAEP alternative placement will be removed.
  7. I abide by the State’s compulsory attendance laws requiring regular, prompt attendance. The campus attendance goal for all students at ALA is 98%.

I understand and agree to the conditions of this commitment agreement.  Should I fail to meet the academic, behavioral, or attendance standards of the school as set forth, I acknowledge that I may be removed from the Applied Learning Academy and return to my home school and that the decision of the Principal in this regard is final.

Student signature of commitment:__________________________________________ Date:__________

I (We) agree to these conditions and will actively support our child as much as possible, encouraging his/her participation and  attendance in school events and activities, along with completion of the applied learning  project and portfolio each year.   As parents/guardians’ of above mentioned child we also commit to volunteer 5 hours per 9 weeks to help the ALA community.

Parent signature of commitment:__________________________________________ Date:___________