Texas Bluebonnet Reading Program

Grades 3-5

What is the Texas Bluebonnet Award?

Each year, 20 books are chosen for the Texas Bluebonnet Award Master List. Third Graders through Sixth Graders in schools and libraries around the state participate in the program, encouraging students to read a minimum of five books from the list. In January, students vote for their favorite title. The author of the book receiving the most votes wins the Texas Bluebonnet Award (TBA), which is presented at the Texas Bluebonnet Award Luncheon held during the TLA Annual Conference in the spring.


How many books do I need to read?


5th Graders read all 20 books from the list

4th Graders read 17 books from the list

3rd Graders read 15 books from the list.


Where do I get the books from?


Because there is a limited number of Bluebonnets to check out in the Sunrise Library, the librarian and the teacher will read books aloud from the list. Students are also encouraged to visit the public library to check out books to read on their own. Also check out Teaching Books for reading resources, read aloud, author interviews, etc. at:

What are the rewards?

There are many benefits for students from reading books from the Bluebonnet list.

  1. Read 5 and vote for your favorite book in January. (Receive a free bracelet and sticker)
  2. After reading the required number of books based on your grade, get invited to a Bluebonnet celebration with food and free books!
  3. The pleasure of reading books and the knowledge gained from the information.


Who is responsible for tracking books?

The Texas Bluebonnet Reading program is a collaborative effort between the librarian, the teacher, and the student. All parties will read, but the student will track the books they read. Teachers must maintain a master log sheet to be turned in at the end of the program. The librarian will manage the program.